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  • Socialism is Evil: The Moral Case against Marx's Radical Dream

    Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case against Marx’s Radical Dream

    By Jay Lehr

    October 9, 2018

    In Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx’s Radical Dream (available for free by clicking here), author Justin Haskins tackles an imminent threat to America.

    Younger Americans have not experienced up close and personal the true evils of socialism and communism in societies ruled by these ideologies, such as China, Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela.  Millennials think European-style democratic socialism looks reasonable and, in some cases, even idyllic.  Hence, they naïvely believe that socialism is superior to capitalism.  In Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)’s many illogical rants, during which he offers college education, health care, and virtually everything else for “free,” he has led many to believe that socialism is the cure for all their problems.  Well, it isn’t, plain and simple.

    Haskins, a widely published writer and the Heartland Institute’s executive editor, has undertaken the task of correcting this misguided thinking among young Americans.

    Socialism Is Evil is a short, 90-page book that examines the historical failures of socialism; disproves socialists’ claims; and, more importantly, details what Americans would experience if progressives were to gain control of government.

    In his book, Haskins tells simple stories that illustrate the depravity of socialism.  These stories are in first person, allowing you to connect to issues you have not likely considered seriously enough.  He often refers to Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, which codified the socialist thoughts that plague society today.  Most would instantly reject these philosophies, such as abolition of property rights and inheritance; centralization of industry, communication, and transportation; and government-controlled education.

    One of the most unique issues Haskins examines in Socialism Is Evil deals with humanity’s innate competitive spirit.  Marx and true socialists believe that competitiveness is learned in society – however, this is clearly not true.  It is inbred in human DNA.  Children compete on the playground from birth.  Who among us does not want to be better than someone at something?  But socialism will always “reward” everyone equally, regardless of effort, which is the downfall of every factory, family, or team.

    In Aldous Huxley’s brilliant novel Brave New World, socialism is indeed achieved.  It just requireds the daily ingestion of a little pill that eliminates individual thought.  How else, Haskins asks, could people voluntarily decide to work in a sewage plant rather than an office tower or live in a desert rather than an oasis?

    Every reader will wonder how Haskins defines evil.  Obviously, in different parts of the world and in different religions, many things could be considered “evil.”  However, Haskins explains it simply and directly in a manner all likely would agree with.  Haskins starts with the Merriam-Webster definition: “morally reprehensible.”  He then says we would all agree that it is immoral to threaten peaceful people into activities they are morally opposed to, and he then offers a number of simple religious laws that would be overrun in a socialist society.

    Americans are engaged in a national discussion of issues such as free college and universal health care.  We hear about the systems in place in other countries, and we witnessed the disaster of Obamacare.  Haskins walks you through the serious problems that all socialized medicine programs are unable to avoid, let alone solve.

    Hopefully, the brevity of this outstanding book will inspire many Millennials who do not understand the true horrors of socialism.  “Americans as well as many people around the world, value their personal freedom more than many economic concerns,” Haskins writes.

    Although Socialism Is Evil is concise, it needs to be read with total concentration to fully comprehend the scope of evil socialism implements on a society.  Haskins concludes with this penetrating statement: “Whatever problems exist in a capitalist society, they pale in comparison to the moral tragedies that must accompany Marx’s socialism, which is why it should be avoided at all costs.  To do otherwise would be to perpetuate a great injustice on the free peoples of the world.”

    A digital copy of Socialism Is Evil is available for free at StoppingSocialism.com.  Print and Kindle copies are for sale on Amazon.com.

    Jay Lehr, Ph.D. (Jlehr@heartland.org) is the science director of The Heartland Institute and a renowned author and speaker.  Dr. Lehr has authored more than 1,000 book reviews during his career, including hundreds of reviews for The Heartland Institute’s four public policy newspapers.
